
Benefits of PMI Thailand Chapter Sponsorship

Sponsorship of the PMI Thailand Chapter provides many benefits:

  • The opportunity to increase knowledge of the Project Management Competency Standards, methodologies and their application.
  • Recognition as a supporter of increasing professionalism in Project Management throughout Thailand.
  • Identification or resources available in Thailand to enhance you organizations competency in the practice Project Management.
  • Recognition as having an affiliation with a world class organization of Professional Project Managers.

Sponsor Category
Figures in Thai Baht

Sponsor Benefit Platinum 12 months 100KGold 9 months 75KSilver 6 months 50KBronze 3 months 25K
Company banner on the Website Main PageYesYesYesYes
Website Link to Sponsor Company Website YesYesYesYes
Posting Job ads related to PM
(Maximum once a month)
Posting events (PM related) for sponsors through Social Media tools (Maximum once a month) YesYesYesYes
Sponsor page show company logo plus company feature 100 words75 words50 words25 words
Feature of the Company in PMI Thailand newsletters 100 words75 words50 words25 words
Sponsor appreciation during PMI Thailand event, workshops and other activities YesYesYesYes
Brochure distribution at PMI Thailand events
(Maximum once a month)
10 % Discounts on standard price for personnel attending on our activities. 7 max. attendees from the same events YesYesYesYes
Certificate of recognitionPremium FramedRegular FramedRegular FramedNone

If you’re interested to sponsor our Chapter, please visit our ‘Contact Us‘ page.

Event Sponsor

This is an opportunity for vendor companies to sponsor an event and make a presentation at one of the regular PMI Thailand Chapter meetings. Topics must be related to Project Management.

For sponsorship of the annual event such as the Open House/Vendor Showcase or PM Forum, sponsors may set-up a booth (table) and display various promotional materials at the event.

Sponsors will be officially recognized at the event and awarded a certificate of sponsorship for the event.